3 ways to get organized this summer

3 ways to get organized this summer

Summer organization is key to enjoy the season. Summer means the days get longer, and the schedules get busier.  From ball games, cookouts, family reunions and time at the pool. It’s a season of running from one activity to the next, all to maximize our sunshine...
How to make your day a success

How to make your day a success

Daily efforts. Making your day a success starts with simple habits. We all have tasks that aren’t fun, but necessary. For example: laundry. It might seem like I LOVE doing laundry. Here’s the truth. I love seeing the laundry DONE. Not the act of it, but...
Why I meal prep on the weekend.

Why I meal prep on the weekend.

Meal prep on the weekend is my trick to winning the week. Kids activities + practices, having to work late one night, or just being drained at the end of the day and now you have to figure out dinner. Why didn’t anyone say that being a grown-up meant that you...

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