Your next party prep to create a memorable event is as easy as 1. 2. 3!

When planning for Claire’s barbie party, I focused on 3 key areas to make her theme come alive.

  1. A fun backdrop
  2. The dining table
  3. The dessert table

That’s it.  Not every corner of the house.  Just key areas that will make an impact.

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When planning for a party, focus on 3 key areas to make your theme come alive.

A create fun backdrop

The backdrop is an easy way to bring your theme to life, and then take pictures with your friends+family to capture the event.

This can be as simple as a disposable table cloth hung on the wall with an on-theme banner on top.  To using a balloon garland, or tinsel streamer garland or a combination of any of them!  It doesn’t have to be complicated, but defining this space helps define the event.

Tip: If you don’t have a bare wall to put this on, consider using a doorway.

For Claire’s party, the Barbie box display was THE centerpiece of the party.  It certainly made a statement, and was fun for all ages.  P.S. You don’t have to be as extreme as a Barbie box to have a styled event.  

Create a memorable dining table

The dining table is an easy way to tie in the theme colors + some key details of the theme to make it cohesive.

With the Barbie party, we had a pink linen tablecloth, with centerpieces of large “lipstick” tubes, Barbie purses and of course her signature pink sunglasses.  Layered in with hot pink candles to give some height and dimension to the table.

Create a simple dessert table

And finally the dessert table.  One more focus area to tie it all together.

Use a tablecloth or runner in your theme colors.  Layer in some other elements from your theme to highlight the dessert space.  

With the Barbie party, this looked like a couple of pairs of her signature pink sunglasses on top of the pink sequin runner.  

So your party prep is as easy as 1. 2. 3!

You don’t have to create a backdrop as elaborate as the Barbie Box to make it memorable. Creating a simple space to take photos will help tie the theme together in a fun way.

I’m happy to help – what part of event planning do you struggle with? My event kits give you everything you need to pull off a custom party – design, how-to and shopping list to make it happen with ease!

And check out my free download on the top party fails to avoid!

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